Types of Treadmills
Depending on the design and functionality treadmills can be divided into the following.
1. Manual Treadmill
This is the most basic type of treadmill. Functions like incline have to be adjusted manually. These are comparatively more inexpensive as well. Manual treadmills are the preferred choice for seniors.
2. Motorized treadmill
These are more advanced than manual treadmills and comes with a variety of features. The majority of the treadmills that you get these days are motorized. The level of inclination can be adjusted. But, these are comparatively costlier than manual treadmills. These treadmills also come with a lot of functions and features that the manual treadmills lack.
3. Folding treadmill
This is the most popular treadmill in recent times. These are perfect for people with limited space. Most of the folding treadmills are manual ones. If you have a small apartment or if you want a treadmill at your office, this will be a perfect choice.